Hi all, I know I haven't been very diligent about keeping up the news blog here but this year has pulled me in every direction - performing, recording and producing (others), engaging with new fans and forming new alliances. It has been, to use the cliche, a whirlwind. And frankly, it's not slowing down.

So I hope you'll forgive the absence of fanfare here, but I want to announce that I've begun pre-production on the new album. I'm making plans to involve all of you in the process if you'd like to come along for the ride.

I have to get back to being creative so I'm going to leave it here for now. There's much more to come. If you have not connected with the mailing list please do so. I'll be sending out updates soon.

Here's to 2016 and a million years of peacetime. See you all very soon.


