OK, so first of all, I want to wish us all a very Happy New Year and express a hearty "good fucking riddance" to sucky-ass 2016. In light of that last statement, I'd also like to respond to all of the heady, condescending literalists out there (lengthy post alert):
yes I'm well aware that the Gregorian demarcation of time is not a living breathing sentient entity, capable of causing all of the sad, disastrous, and spirit–crushing, events that have happened in this current unit of division.
Yes, I KNOW 2016 didn't kill Muhammad Ali, David Bowie, Prince, John Glenn, Leonard Cohen, Gene Wilder, Alan Rickman, Sharon Jones, Carrie Fisher, George Michael...*Alton Sterling, Philander Castile, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray...
I KNOW 2016 isn't responsible for the horrific murderous attacks in Nice, Brussels, Istanbul, *Charleston*...
I KNOW 2016 did not cause the crises of humanity from all of the armed conflicts in Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, Nigeria, Congo...
I KNOW that 2016 did not generate The record-breaking global mean temperature rises and Arctic sea ice shrinkage; nor any of the natural disasters – earthquakes in China, Italy, Chile, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, the typhoon in the Philippines, the floods in, well fuck, everywhere...
I KNOW 2016 did not create the crisis of confidence and clashes between law-enforcement and people of color - police shootings of innocent civilians and civilian attacks on police; the inhumane treatment of water rights protectors at standing rock and the citizenry of Flint Michigan;
I KNOW 2016 didn't cause the unthinkable election of that petulant, rotten orange fuck-trumpet and the pending installation of a globally destructive, plutocratic cabal in his cabinet...
I KNOW all that.
So when I say good fucking riddance to sucky-ass 2016, I'm well aware that I'm referring to (with all apologies to Foucault for the reductionism) a perceptive frame within which all of this humanity diminishing shit happened. I'm using it as metonym. So lighten up with your haughty literalist put downs when I say, good riddance 2016. For the record, I am philosophically, a pacifist; but last night, after a lovely dinner (and a side-splitting, thoroughly entertaining 5 or so minutes of the Mariah Carey train wreck), I (figuratively) took 2016 down to the basement, beat the living shit out of it, stuffed it, deservedly battered and bloody, into a heavy duty contractor's trash bag, dragged it up the stairs and outside and threw it into the trash barrel, stomped it down and slammed the lid down on it. Then I went back inside and welcomed 2017 in the hope that it will be a "frame" for more positive events personally (like more time for maskanda on my Les Paul) and globally. Happy New Year everybody!!! And as always, a million years of peacetime!